Why did we develop a treatment for PO/PI?
I’m an engineer, physician, and allergist. My chemistry partner Prof. Catherine Yang, and I discovered and patented the world’s first and only safe and effective allergy treatment for poison ivy (PI) and oak (PO). Our team is looking for investors to bring it to market.
Why did we create this treatment? 112 million Americans suffer from severe or recurrent reactions and need this treatment. Between 30 and 60 million Americans have a history of one or more severe reactions and they want protection (Severe Reactors), or chronic/recurrent disease from ongoing exposures it isn’t practical for them to avoid (Chronic Reactors). Getting our treatment will be cheaper and easier than getting treated for exposure.
The FDA gave us a simple and inexpensive pathway to biologics licensure with no technical or clinical obstacles. $6 million now + $10 million in 2025 will carry us to profitable manufacture and sale.
Our deliberately conservative business model in our downloadable Business Proposal is based on Severe Reactors only, because we can’t estimate the size of Chronic Reactors. It predicts a first year profit of $65-87M and a fifth year profit of $1.1B to 1.4B. Chronic Reactors will jump-start demand because they want relief of current symptoms immediately, and they will increase total demand above that of a model based on Severe Reactors alone. News of our treatment’s safety and efficacy for Chronic Reactors will motivate more patents in Severe Reactors to begin treatment earlier rather than later.
Phase 1 clinical trial results for a competing vaccine were due in 2021 but never reported.
Our estimated manufacturing cost per initial treatment or annual booster dose is ~$30. Our sales and revenue projections are based on a wholesale selling price of $300.
Investment Opportunity:
Contact us today to explore the opportunity that awaits you.
Key points for investors:
No current debt
No ongoing overhead
No future dilution of proposed investment
FDA-approved low cost, no-obstacles pathway to biologics licensure
Large existing population of eager users predicts profitability from launch
Our Team
- Robert E. Coifman M.D.: Allergy and immunology
- Eric Feerst: Project manager, quality control, and regulatory affairs
- Merlin Weaver: Hydroponic agriculture
- Catherine Yang Ph.D.: Developed and will provide low-cost urushiol assay
- Millan Bhatt: USP 503b pharmacy for cost-effective GMP packaging
- Mel Kornbluh: Serial developer of successful small businesses dependent on precision technology, consulting, sales, distribution
- Scott Oneto: Poison oak and ivy agricultural biology, consulting
About the Vaccine

Novel Delivery System
We discovered and patented a novel delivery system that gave us the world’s first and only safe and effective treatment for persons already sensitized to PO/PI
Our proposed pathway to Biologics Licensure was approved by the FDA.
Protocol Development and Commercial Scale Production Strategy
We will use genetic protocols for plant cultivation to assure compliance with FDA requirements for consistency.
A competing vaccine received media attention, but its Phase 1 clinical trial results were never reported.
We will make each dose for ~$30 and sell it for $300.
Investment Opportunity
Contact us today to explore the opportunity that awaits you.
Robert E. Coifman MD, CEO and Chief Science Officer
Address: 1122 N. High Street, Millville, NJ 08332-2529
Email: info@BOMEpharma.com
Phone: 856.759.1299
Fax: 856.759.1288